Monday, July 2, 2007

To Hosts on Muslim Talk on WMNF Tampa


The first ten minutes of your last show infuriated me. Both of you ridicule people's fear of Islamism/Terrorism/Arabs/Wahabisim, you name it. Then Ahmed's little tape with two Airport/flight employees talking about two Iranian's that were to be taken off the plane for being suspicious. Does he not remember 9/11, and other previous hijackings? Does he not know of the reoccuring threats? Does he think 9/11 was a conspiracy committed by Jews?
Yes, promote Arab music, I love Arab music, explore its texts, Arab instruments etc. but do not use it to ridicule me or other sane people whose fears are rightfully justified considering the chain of events. These events are not mere coincidense (woops guess they were Arab again) these events represents a pattern within Islamist extreme ideology.

Your radio program is a platform to promote your views about poor Palestinians. Last week you had the "Angry Arab" talking about the situation in Israel/Lebanon and Palestinian areas as if it was the West's fault. You people never stop blaming the West, and ofcourse Western apologists are more than happy to gravel at your feet because of colonial guilt.

When will you and Ahmed begin taking some responsibility, as representatives of Islam, Muslim culture, for all of the terrorist attacks and attempt to terrorist attacks in Europe and America. Listen, last summer I was going on the plane I believe the 15th of August, on British Airways from Heathrow. The same day they caught multiple people for their attempts on what would be the worst terrorist action ever in the West. I resent the fact that you ridicule "MY FEAR." I find it arrogant, and totally lacking in grasp with reality. One thing is the audacity of Fox news, but the other is this notion that you and Ahmed never ever question your own culture of violence, your own religion, vile Muslim practices, and the fact that most terrorist attacks happening in civilian areas are committed by Muslims.

Ahmed is so simplistic in his comments, he has no academic or cultural or historical memory (you at least demonstrate that you do). He has no point of historical reference, only those that he accumulates through his little witch trial organization CAIR.

Manji talks about ijtihad......When will you and Ahmed talk about this?

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