Friday, March 20, 2009

Abid Q. Raja wrote about a meeting on religion at Literaturhuset in an article in Aftenposten :
Manisk applaus.
"Hvor salens sympati lå, ble klart da Shakil Rehman, broren til stand-up-komikeren Shabana, tok ordet. Han benyttet anledningen til å hamre løs mot den kvinnelige lederen av Muslimsk Studentsamfunn, Bushra Ishaq, som satt i panelet. Jeg var omringet av journalister der jeg satt og forsøkte å blogge da en av dem lente seg frem og poengterte at ingen hadde fått sterkere applaus enn Rehman.

Poenget var overflødig. Jeg hadde selv observert de nesten hypnotiserte klakørene; plutselig var det noe fanatisk over salen. Men samtidig, uten å ha sagt et ord, klarte forsamlingen å avdekke sine tilslørte holdninger. Og det er nettopp disse holdningene minoritetsungdom med refleksjonsevne ser; mennesker rundt en som ikke bare misforstår dem og ikke liker dem, men som også helst ønsker dem bort!"

Dear Abid,
Shabana Rehman's brother did not attack the lovely Miss Bushra Ishaq. He merely asked her a question which was never answered, because those monitoring the debate reformulated the question wrong. He asked, in a passionate but thoughtful manner, is there nothing wrong with Islam? Is there nothing you can pinpoint within Islam that might be interpreted to support violence and discrimination of women?

What I do not find appealing with your further comments was the way you described the audience who applauded Rehman's brother. You describe them as if they were a sycophantic mob that applauded loudly in support of what you interpret to be racist. You described the audience as fanatic in their reaction; hypnotized clappers who lack critical thinking skills. You refer to this man as "Rehman's" brother, so as to discard his point of view and relevance, as if he had nothing to say because he is her brother.....